
Showing posts from May, 2020


It's a well known fact that many (if not most) CBD companies, including some of the really large and well known ones that have been around for a while, sell white-label products. This means that many different brand's products are produced in exactly the same factory, often times in China, and then simply given different labels and branding. This meant that many different brands would be selling exactly the same products as one another, with no differences other than how they market and what you see on the packaging. These products are often only marginally effective and aren't tailored to provide you with the specific effect that you are looking for. After all, that's what happens when you use cookie-cutter products and try to apply them to many different things. At Embr, we don't believe that this is the right way to go. All of our products are developed from the ground up with only one goal in mind: effectiveness. After all, the whole reason why you...